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About the Event

Our theme in 2017 is the Tiger Trifecta, derby, dinner, and
dancing! More than 300 guests will join us on March 25, 2017
at a horse paddock in Woodside. This Kentucky Derby themed evening will consist of an online auction, subscription auction, traditional southern faire, entertainment, and live auction program.

Donation Recognition and Proceeds

Your contribution will be recognized in the auction program
and on the St. Charles School Auction website. Your participation is a visible opportunity to demonstrate your company’s investment in the future of our local community. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The school’s tax ID # is 94-1201219. For more information on sponsorship levels and advertising opportunities, please refer to the enclosed attachment.

Proceeds support the school’s operating budget and have a direct impact on the education, safety, and development of our students. Past years’ proceeds have subsidized improvements to the school that are not funded by the annual budget, including enhancements to instructional technologies, safety upgrades to our campus, renovations of classrooms, and the addition of digital learning tools for our students.

We sincerely thank you for considering this donation request. We value our donors and recognize that our partnerships within the community ensure a brighter future for all. Please use the enclosed form to submit your donation by February 15, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact us at 650-593-1629 or at auctionchairs@stcharlesschoolsc. org. 

Donate now!

Item Information
Contact Information
Credit Card Information

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I agree to pay above total amount according to card issuer agreement. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!